Monthly Archives: August 2019


ADA Transition Plan


Did you know that any public entity with 50 or more employees must meet requirements set forth by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? Requirements include designating an ADA coordinator, establishing a grievance procedure, establishing a transition plan, and performing periodic self-evaluations. To ensure all persons have accessibility to public goods and

ADA Transition Plan2019-08-23T13:38:15+00:00

Dayton Strong


The tragic events that took place in Dayton just a few days ago sadden us all. We feel deep compassion for the victims and their friends, family and loved ones. Our hearts and prayers are with you, Dayton. Click here to learn how to help the victims and families of the Oregon District tragedy.

Dayton Strong2019-08-08T14:49:10+00:00
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