Springdale Traffic Signal System Upgrade

/Springdale Traffic Signal System Upgrade
Springdale Traffic Signal System Upgrade2019-08-28T10:32:21+00:00

Springdale Traffic Signal System Upgrade (PID 87071)

TEC assisted the City of Springdale with acquisition of a federal CMAQ grant through the OKI Regional Council of Governments for a traffic signal system upgrade project. TEC was responsible for preparing the necessary studies (signal warrants, etc.), construction drawings and specifications for the replacement and upgrade of existing signal controllers at 29 intersections and four system count stations, installation of fiber optic interconnect to signal controllers, installation of LED signal heads at 13 intersections, installation of a central based traffic control server at the city police department, and the upgrade of curb ramps and pedestrian pushbuttons for ADA compliance, where applicable. The project conforms to the ODOT Local Let Process. In addition, TEC provided 23 CFR 940 documentation.

Project Owner: City of Springdale, Ohio

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