SR 450 Planning Study

/SR 450 Planning Study
SR 450 Planning Study2019-08-28T09:50:58+00:00

SR 450 Planning Study

TEC was contracted by Union Township to complete a planning study to investigate the potential for a limited access ROW break along SR 450 between I-275 and US 50. TEC and Union Township worked with ODOT and local developers to review and identify impacts to the area roadway network based on future development along SR 450. This study examined multiple access scenarios and multiple development scenarios/intensities to determine the preferred alternative for further study. As a part of the overall analysis, TEC investigated the local area land uses, traffic operations, and future development potential. TEC worked directly with OKI to review and update the local travel demand model based on land use data not accounted for in the previous model. The analyses of the roadway network looked at the existing network and also at potential future network modifications such as an additional north-south connector from Round Bottom Road to SR 450. In 2007, the final planning study was approved by ODOT and a formal Interchange Modification Study was conducted by TEC for the preferred alternative. In June 2009, the IMS was approved by FHWA.

Project Owner: Union Township, Ohio

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