MORPC Pedestrian Pilot Project

/MORPC Pedestrian Pilot Project
MORPC Pedestrian Pilot Project2019-08-06T11:42:33+00:00

MORPC Pedestrian Pilot Project

TEC conducted a pedestrian crossing review of approximately 87 locations identified in a list from MORPC which includes the jurisdictions of the City of Columbus, Delaware City, Dublin, Gahanna, Grove City, Groveport, Hilliard, Pickerington, Worthington, Sunbury and Upper Arlington. This work was performed through a contract for ODOT STW Signal Timing services. Our project team completed sufficient field work at the project locations in order to conduct a full analysis of the existing pedestrian crossings. Recommendations to improve each location were made based on input from each jurisdiction as well as engineering judgment from field observations. Improvements include replacing pedestrian signal heads, installing rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB) and implementing new crosswalk markings where needed.

Project Owner:  ODOT

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