CLI-SR 380 Bridge Replacement Survey

/CLI-SR 380 Bridge Replacement Survey
CLI-SR 380 Bridge Replacement Survey2019-08-28T11:31:51+00:00

CLI-SR 380 Bridge Replacement Survey

As a subconsultant to PRIME AE Group, TEC provided survey and temporary signal design services for a project to replace an existing concrete slab bridge in Clinton County, Ohio. TEC performed the following services for this project:

  • Topographic field survey of the bridge and roadway
  • Drainage survey including stream profile and cross sections for 2000 feet of streams
  • Bridge survey including substructure
  • Utility notification and survey
  • Locating and resolving right of way and property boundaries
  • Preparation of electronic basemap and supplementing with aerial survey
  • Temporary signal design, timing and detection
  • Maintenance of traffic plans

Project Owner: ODOT

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