Grant Assistance

/Grant Assistance
Grant Assistance2022-12-21T12:43:28+00:00

Grant Services

TEC assists clients by identifying and applying for grants to cover the costs of projects. Our team frequently identifies grant opportunities, prepares and submits applications, and provides grant fund administration/coordination for municipal and county clients.

Our services include:

  • Grant applications, preparation and submittal
  • CEAO grants
  • STP, CMAQ and TAP grants
  • Safety grants
  • OTSO (Ohio Traffic Safety Office) grants
  • HSP Grants

Grant Assistance Breakdown

CMAQ/STP/SNK: $93,233,631
HSIP: $29,888,373
CEAO: $3,629,552
TE/TA: $3,619,079
OPWC: $6,048,255
Small Cities: $1,178,000
OTSO: $7,076,432
TID Funding: $250,000
TSMO: $750,000
Miscellaneous: $10,000
Grant dollars secured (and counting)
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